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Operation troubleshooting

runtime problems

When the operation log of the service component indicates that the build is successful, it enters the stage of running the service component. We expect all component instances to show a green Running status, but many abnormal situations may occur, which need to be checked step by step according to the guidelines. At this stage, it is necessary to understand the concepts of each stage in Component Lifecycle. The subsequent troubleshooting process is also based on the different states of the components.

common problem

Components have no running log information

Component logs are pushed through WebSocket. If there is no log information, go to Platform Management -> Cluster -> Edit to check whether the WebSocket communication address is correct. If the cluster is provided by a public cloud vendor, the address here is internal network IP, then you cannot establish a WebSocket with the cluster locally, and you cannot display logs. Change this to the IP you can connect to locally.

Troubleshoot runtime issues based on exception status


The component instance is always in the scheduling state

Instances in the Scheduling state are represented by orange squares. It means that there are not enough resources in the cluster to run this instance. For details about the shortage of specific resource items, you can click the orange square to open the instance details page and learn about it in Description. For example:

Instance Status: Scheduling
Reason: Unschedulable
Explanation: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had desk pressure

According to Description, we can know that there is a total of 1 host node in the current cluster, but it is in an unavailable state because the node has disk pressure. After expanding the disk capacity or clearing the space of the node according to the reason, the problem will be solved automatically. Common resource shortage types also include: insufficient CPU, insufficient memory.

waiting to start

The component instance has been in the waiting to start state

The Rainbond platform determines the startup order based on dependencies between components. If a service component is in the waiting to start state for a long time, it means that some of the components it depends on failed to start normally. Switch to the application topology view to sort out the dependencies among components to ensure that the components they depend on are in a normal operating state.

Abnormal operation

The component instance has been in the state of running abnormally

An unhealthy state means that the instance encountered a condition that prevented it from functioning properly. Click the red square, you can find prompts on the instance details page, focus on the status of the container in the instance, and continue to troubleshoot the problem based on the different status. The following are common problem states:


This status indicates that the image of the current container cannot be pulled. Pull down to the Events list to get more detailed information. Make sure that the corresponding image can be pulled. If you find that the image that cannot be pulled starts with, you can try to build this component to solve the problem.


This status indicates that the current container itself failed to start, or is encountering a runtime error. Switch to the log page to view the business log output, and solve the problem symptomatically.


This status indicates that the memory allocated for the container is too small, or there is a memory leak problem in the service itself. The memory configuration entry of the business container is located on the Scaling page. The memory configuration entry for the plugin container is located on the Plugins page.

Third-party components are not ready

Follow the steps below for third-party components:

  1. Open the internal port of the third-party component
  2. Set third-party component health detection
  3. Start/update third-party components

It cannot be used normally until the status of the third-party component is ready.

If the status of the third-party component is ready, but cannot be accessed internally or externally, please troubleshoot by the following steps:

  1. Check whether the endpoint created by the third-party component is correct
    kubectl get ep -n <namespace>
  2. Check whether the service created by the third-party component is correct, and check whether it can be accessed through the curl command
    kubectl get svc -n <namespace>
  3. Check whether the ingress created by the third-party component is correct
    kubectl get ing -n <namespace>